General Election Information

Click for Election Results - Nov 8 General Election

November 8, 2022 General Election

Adair County’s Primary Election will be held on Tuesday November 8, 2022

Polls are open from 6:00am – 7:00pm

General Elections allow Adair County residents the opportunity to elect party delegates for county, state, and national level government offices. Ballots may also include bond and local sales tax issues to support various county services or projects. 

Photo ID Requirements
To vote in person, voters will need to show a Missouri Driver's or Nondriver's License, U.S. Passport, or Military ID. If you don't have one of these IDs, you can still vote a blue provisional ballot, which will be counted if you come back to your polling place on Election Day with your ID or if your signature matches the signature on your voter registration record.

For additional information on photo ID requirements, click here to be directed to the Missouri Secretary of State's Office

Sample Ballots

General Election sample ballots are linked below organized by voting (polling) locations.

Please Note:
The ballot you receive on election day will depend on your voter registration address. Voters will receive only one(1) ballot (and ballot items) applicable to their voter registration address.

City of Kirksville
(Includes Adair County Annex, Cornerstone Church, Moose Lodge, Nazarene Church, Rehoboth Church, TSU Campus)  

Ballot 1

Missouri Conservation Department

Ballot 1

Ballot 2

Nemo Fairgrounds

Ballot 1

Ballot 2

Novinger Community Center

Ballot 1


Absentee Voting

Absentee voting by mail for the November 8, 2022 General Election, begins Tuesday September 27, 2022.

Absentee ballots must be received before 7:00pm on Tuesday November 8, 2022 (*Wednesday October 26, 2022 is the last day absentee ballots can be requested and mailed to voters).

On site absentee voting starts Tuesday September 27, 2022 and will continue thru Monday November 7, 2022 at the Adair County Annex Building (see also below information regarding the new No-Excuse Absentee Voting Period).

Adair Annex Building
300 North Franklin
Kirksville MO 63501

New No-Excuse Absentee Voting Period
Any registered voter can vote in person (no reason necessary) at the Adair County Annex Building between October 25 and November 7.

On-Site Absentee Voting Schedule (click on calendar to enlarge)

Absentee Voting General Election 2022


Primary Election Information

August 2, 2022 Primary Election

Adair County’s Primary Election will be held on Tuesday August 2, 2022

Polls are open from 6:00am – 7:00pm

Primary Elections allow Adair County residents the opportunity to elect party delegates for county, state, and national level government offices. Ballots may also include bond and local sales tax issues to support various county services or projects.

Please find 2022 primary Election sample ballots below.

Please Note:
The ballot you receive on election day will depend on the political party you request. 

Sample Ballots

Republican Party

Ballot 1 (3rd District State Representative)

Ballot 6 (4th District State Representative)

Democratic Party

Ballot 2

Libertarian Party

Ballot 3

Constitution Party

Ballot 4


Ballot 5


Absentee Voting

Absentee voting by mail for the August 2, 2022 Primary Election, is currently underway.

Absentee ballots must be received before 7:00pm on Tuesday August 2, 2022 (*Wednesday July 20, 2022 is the last day absentee ballots can be requested and mailed to voters).

On site absentee voting starts Tuesday June 21, 2022 and will continue thru Monday August 1, 2022 at the Adair County Annex Building.

Adair Annex Building
300 North Franklin
Kirksville MO 63501

On-Site Absentee Voting Schedule (click on calendar to enlarge)

Absentee Voting Shcedule 2022 Primary Election

5 Counter Absentee Ballot Testing Notice

2022 Candidate Filing

The 2022 primary will be held on Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The filing period for candidates is 8:00 a.m. on February 22, 2022 and ends at 5:00 p.m. on March 29, 2022

Candidate filing is held in the temporary office of Sandy Collop, Adair County Clerk, at 311 N. Elson St., in Kirksville, Missouri

Please follow links below for official candidate filing information:

Notice to Candidates-2022 Primary

Candidate Filing Requirements-2022 Primary

2022 Missouri Election Calendar