August 21, 2024
Ameren invites you to an in-person open house for Phase 2 of the Northern Missouri Grid Transformation Program.
We are engaging with community members, landowners and stakeholders to provide an opportunity for them to learn more about the program and provide input. We look forward to the public’s insights to better understand the program area from the community’s perspective.
Mark your calendars for Adair County’s in-person Open House on Wednesday, August 28th at White Oaks Barn, 23255 State HWY 11, Kirksville, MO 63501. 11am – 1pm or 5pm – 7pm
The Northern Missouri Grid Transformation Program’s Phase 2 includes the Denny-Zachary-Thomas Hill-Maywood (DZTM) Project with more than 200 miles of new transmission lines across ten counties in Northern Missouri. A vast majority of the Zachary-Maywood line segment will be built along an existing corridor. The project includes upgrades to the existing Ameren substations.
Each open house will provide the same information including a program overview and detailed maps to review and collect input. The open house will begin and conclude with an opportunity for attendees to gather information and speak one-on-one with project staff and experts.
A general overview presentation will also be presented during each meeting at 11:30 am and 5:30 pm.
Please contact our team if you have any questions or concerns about the project, or if you are unable to attend inperson and would like to engage virtually on August 19th. Thank you for your time as we work to improve energy reliability for your community.
Phone: 1.833.779.1633
Email: [email protected]
Website: Ameren.com/NorthernMOGrid