Register to vote

The deadline to register to vote in an Adair County election is the fourth Wednesday prior to the election. If registering by mail, your voter registration must be postmarked on the fourth Wednesday prior to the election.

2024 Voter Registration Deadlines

  • Primary Election: Wednesday July 10th, 2024
  • General Election: Wednesday October 9th, 2024

The voter registration qualifications in Missouri are as follows:

  • 17 ½ years of age to register, 18 years of age to vote
  • US Citizen
  • Missouri Resident

Voting Locations

Your voting location is based on where you live.

Current voting locations in Adair County are:

  • Adair County Annex Building
  • Cornerstone Church
  • Missouri Conservation Department
  • Moose Lodge
  • NEMO Fairgrounds
  • Novinger Community Center
  • Rehoboth Church
  • Truman State University

Voter ID Information

Check your voter registration record and update it if it has changed.

Next, check your polling place and make sure you have a valid ID to take with you.

Missouri Voter Identification Requirements

  • Option 1: Provide one of the following photo ID documents:
    • Missouri issued Driver license that is not expired
    • Missouri issued Nondriver license that is not expired or does not have an expiration date
    • U.S. Passport that is not expired
    • Military ID that is not expired or does not have an expiration date
  • Option 2: If you have no form of identification, but are a registered voter, you can cast a provisional ballot. There are two ways your vote counts:
    • If you come back to your polling location before the close of polls on Election Day with a valid ID; or
    • If your signature matches the signature on file of your voter registration record as verified by the Adair County Clerk's Office.

Voter ID Assistance

The Secretary of State will assist you in getting a valid Missouri non-drivers license and cover the cost of any documents that are required to get the ID.

You can get this assistance at:

Read the sample ballot published in the newspaper before you go to vote. This way you will not be surprised by anything you see on the ballot when you enter the voting booth.

For more information call Voter Registration Office: (660) 665-3350

Change of Address or Name

If you have moved recently or had a name change, make sure your voter registration is correct and up-to-date.

Fill out a paper Voter Registration Application linked below, sign it, and mail to the address below:

Adair County Clerk
106 W. Washington St., 2nd Floor Courthouse
Kirksville, MO 63501

Or submit an online Voter Registration Application by using the online link below.

Absentee Voting

ABSENTEE voting begins six weeks before every election and is available to any registered Adair County voter that will be unable to make it to their polling place on Election Day due to their absence from Adair County, illness or physical disability or caretaker(residing at the same address), religious belief or practice, service as a poll worker, a first responder, a health care worker, or a member of law enforcement, incarceration but have retained qualifications for voting, or certified participant in Missouri’s Safe at Home program.

Beginning June 25th, 2024, you can vote an absentee ballot in person at the Adair County Annex building located at 300 N Franklin St, Kirksville, MO during regular office hours from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Registered voters can also vote an absentee ballot at the Adair County Annex building located at 300 N Franklin St, Kirksville, MO on Saturday August 3rd, from 8:30 a.m. to Noon, and 8:30-5:00 p.m. on Monday August 5th, 2024.

To receive an absentee ballot by mail you must send your signed request for a ballot by letter or email to the Adair County Clerk’s office (see contact information below). Requests for ballots to be mailed will be accepted until 5:00 PM Wednesday, July 24th, 2023. Applications are available here AbsenteeBallotRequestForm or the Missouri Secretary of State Website. Call our office if you have any questions.

If you do not specify a party, you will receive a non-partisan ballot with only Amendments - no candidates. Please include the address where you live and are registered, along with the address to which the ballot is to be mailed, your birth date or the last four (4) digits of your social security number for identification purposes. Family members to the second degree may apply for a relative who is unable to do so.

All ballots must be returned to the County Clerk’s Office before the polls close at 7:00 p.m. on Election Day. Persons that request an absentee ballot due to incapacity or confinement due to illness or physical disability or caretaker do not need to have their ballot return envelopes notarized. All other absentee ballot return envelopes must be notarized.

No-Excuse Absentee Voting Period
Any registered voter can vote in person (no reason necessary) at the Adair County Annex Building between July 23rd, and August 5th.

Email election questions to [email protected].

Student Voting

If you go to college out of state, you can register to vote in either your home state or where you attend college, but you cannot be registered in both locations. You do not have the right to vote in more than one location. It’s a felony and considered voter fraud to register to vote in multiple locales.

You do have the right to vote in any state where you have a temporary or permanent residence.

If you are a registered Adair County voter and will not be in Adair County on Election Day, absentee voting is available. Absentee voting begins 6 weeks before the election.

If you decide to register in your home state, you will need to sign up for an absentee ballot from your home state. Absentee ballot regulations vary by state, so be sure to research your state’s process.