Adair County now "Agri-Ready"

JEFFERSON CITY — Adair County has been granted Agri-Ready County Designation by Missouri Farmers Care (MFC), a coalition of more than 40 leading agricultural groups. By achieving this designation, the Adair County Commission has taken action to support agricultural development, economic growth, and agricultural literacy programs. Through Agri-Ready County Designation, MFC identifies and promotes counties in Missouri that create an environment supportive to agriculture, Missouri’s largest industry.
Adair County Commission
The County Commission is an elected three-member governing body. The commission includes a Presiding Commissioner, a First District Commissioner, and a Second District Commissioner. The Commission is responsible for county administrative tasks which includes:
- Maintenance and repair of approximately 700 miles the roadway and bridges
- Establishes County policy
- Approves and adopts the annual budget for all County operations
- Approves actual expenditures for each department
- Ensures County-wide compliance with numerous statutory requirements
- Acts as liaison with county boards, commissions, and other governmental entities
In addition, the County Commission must represent the county on the following regional councils which may encompass Adair County:
- Division of Workforce Development
- Regional Planning Committee
- Solid Waste Management
- University of Missouri extension
- Commissions and councils relating to health, education or welfare of the citizens as established by executive or legislative action of the government of the United States or of the state
- Other councils and organizations relating to operations of counties as from time to time may be created
History of the Adair County Commission
Prior to 1877, Adair County had a variety of district, associate, or township judges (commissioners). The terms of office were sometimes two years, four years, and for one period six years.
That all changed in 1877 when the Missouri Legislature provided for a court (office) of three judges (commissioners). One person was to be the Presiding Judge (Commissioner) who was elected on a county-wide basis for a four year term and two District Judges (Commissioners) elected by their individual districts for a term of four years.
For more than fifty years, the districts in Adair County were (1) Benton and Nineveh Townships, and (2) the other eight townships. Due to population density, this became an unequal division. The first district had 83% of the population and the larger 2nd District had only 17% of the population.
In 1974, a new division was created. District 1 would consist of the entire city of Kirksville east of the Norfolk & Western Railroad while District 2 would encompass the remainder of the county. This new division made for a more equal distribution of the county between the two districts.

Past and Present Adair County Judges (Commissioners)
Name | Dates | Party |
Mark Shahan | 2019-Current | Republican |
Stanley Pickens | 2011-2017 | Republican |
Gary Jones | 1999-2010 | Democrat |
Bill Novinger | 1991-1998 | Democrat |
Alvin Henderson | 1987-1990 | Republican |
Gail Novinger | 1985-1986 | Republican |
Jack Shelton | 1975-1984 | Republican |
Stanley Ambrosia | 1971-1975 | Republican |
Walter Hoffman | 1963-1971 | Republican |
Waldo Shokey | 1959-1963 | Democrat |
Grover H. Belfield | 1951-1959 | Republican |
Arlie Fast | 1949-1951 | Democrat |
Bert Elsea | 1943-1949 | Republican |
Joe E. Johnson | 1939-1943 | Republican |
Ray Bennett | 1931-1939 | Democrat |
Amos Propst | 1927-1931 | Republican |
George W. Newton | 1925-1919 | Republican |
Leander L. Mikel | 1923-1927 | Republican |
C.B. McClanahan | 1919-1923 | Democrat |
Aaron P. Hopson | 1907-1915 | Democrat |
George W. Newton | 1903-1907 | Republican |
Joseph S. Hickman | 1899-1903 | Republican |
J.A. Bragg | 1895-1899 | Republican |
J.J. Keim | 1891-1895 | Republican |
W.P Linder | 1887-1891 | Republican |
J.L. Hawkins | 1883-1887 | Republican |
M.G. Clem | 1879-1883 | Republican |
Noah Stukey | 1877-1879 | Republican |
Name | Dates | Party |
William King | 2017-Current | Republican |
Carson Adams | 2009-2016 | Democrat |
Gene Schneider | 2005-2008 | Republican |
Ray Klinginsmith | 2001-2004 | Republican |
Herman Truitt | 1993-2000 | Republican |
Bobby Leavitt | 1991-1992 | Democrat |
Jack Shelton | 1989-1990 | Republican |
Bobby Leavitt | 1987-1988 | Democrat |
Stanley Ambrosia | 1979-1986 | Republican |
Leon G. Coy | 1977-1978 | Democrat |
Alva Bowes | 1971-1976 | Republican |
Stanley Ambrosia | 1963-1971 | Republican |
Walter Huffman | 1951-1963 | Republican |
Dewey Conner | 1949-1951 | Democrat |
Harry Balch | 1945-1949 | Republican |
H.B. Umbarger | 1943-1945 | Republican |
Bert Elsea | 1939-1943 | Republican |
Pearl E. Arnold | 1937-1939 | Democrat |
Fred Miller | 1933-1937 | Democrat |
W.M. Willis | 1931-1933 | Democrat |
F.L. Rogers | 1927-1931 | Republican |
Amos Propst | 1925-1927 | Republican |
F.L. Rogers | 1923-1925 | Republican |
Leander L. Mikel | 1919-1923 | Republican |
Andrew J. Houston | 1917-1919 | Republican |
Samuel F. Shoop | 1915-1917 | Republican |
Jacob H. Shoop | 1911-1915 | Democrat |
Z.T. Hagans (resigned) Thomas W. Fickel (appointed) | 1909-1911 | Republican |
C.E. Markey | 1905-1909 | Republican |
W.C. Ditmars | 1901-1905 | Republican |
R.N. Toler | 1899-1901 | Republican |
Joseph Hickman | 1895-1899 | Republican |
Adam Shoop | 1889-1895 | Republican |
A.N. Toler | 1887-1889 | Republican |
J.H. Novinger | 1885-1887 | Republican |
G.W. Novinger | 1883-1885 | Republican |
S.F. Stahl | 1881-1883 | Republican |
P.D. Shoop | 1879-1881 | Republican |
Name | Dates | Party |
Gayla McHenry | 2025-Current | Republican |
Mark Thompson | 2009-2024 | Republican |
Sid Osborn | 2001-2008 | Democrat |
Bob Brawner | 1991-2000 | Democrat |
Myrl Ferguson | 1987-1990 | Republican |
Jack Ward | 1985-1986 | Democrat |
Dale Miller | 1981-1984 | Republican |
Larry Smith | 1979-1980 | Democrat |
Wilson Stribling | 1971-1978 | Republican |
Earl D. Platz | 1969-1971 | Republican |
Homer Johnson | 1967-1969 | Republican |
Ray Pierce | 1965-1967 | Democrat |
Raymond Rummerfield | 1959-1965 | Republican |
Oliver Stribling | 1951-1959 | Republican |
A.D. Waddill | 1947-1951 | Republican |
Oliver Stribling | 1943-1947 | Republican |
Grover H. Belfield | 1941-1943 | Republican |
Reuel W. Roberts | 1939-1941 | Republican |
Charles C. Martin | 1935-1939 | Republican |
J.P. Sleeth | 1933-1935 | Democrat |
Sampson Boyland | 1931-1933 | Democrat |
Joe E. Johnson | 1927-1931 | Republican |
Ray Bennett | 1925-1927 | Democrat |
W.H. Wilkins | 1923-1925 | Republican |
Amos Probst | 1919-1923 | Republican |
Ray Bennett | 1917-1919 | Democrat |
Robert McClanahan | 1915-1917 | Democrat |
Seymour J. Reed | 1911-1915 | Republican |
R.W. Hart | 1907-1911 | Republican |
Baxter R. Hawkins | 1903-1907 | Republican |
George W. Newton | 1897-1903 | Republican |
Daniel Tuttle | 1893-1897 | Republican |
J.J. Keim | 1891-1893 | Republican |
William Hart | 1889-1891 | Republican |
George R. Huston | 1885-1889 | Republican |
J.T. Johnson | 1881-1885 | Republican |
John H. Rainer | 1879-1881 | Republican |